
ReferEasily is shutting down

ReferEasily users, customers, and fans, We’re sad to announce that  ReferEasily  is shutting down. Our last day online will be Sunday, January 1, 2017. After that,  ReferEasily  won’t be available, either on the web or via API, and any content in it will no longer be accessible. We know that some of you have come to rely on us heavily and that transitioning won’t be easy. We’re committed to making this as good an experience as is possible under the circumstances. Billing ReferEasily  is free for all users effective immediately.  No more invoices will be charged, and everyone now has access to all features. Export You can export any or all of your  ReferEasily  data in multiple formats: We’ve created a one-click export feature that will package up everything in one big ZIP file for you to download. For each JD, this will contain: a snapshot JSON file, an Excel file, and all attachments (see below for what these files contain). You can start the export using the button
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